
The intention of this space is to allow you to learn about the different elements in place on our site but also to allow you the ability to configure a set of permissions or denials for processing your personal data.

Furthermore, with accordance to Computer Law and Modifier Freedoms et au European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data, you have the right to : request access to your personal data, make corrections, delete the data, the limitation of the treatment or even more, the right to refuse the treatment or withdraw your consent, and request data portablility by using the contact form, section “Privacy”. You also have the possibility to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


Hôtel Allodis
Le Belvédère, 73550 Méribel
Les 3 Vallées, France
+ 33 (0)4 79 00 56 00

Cookies and tracer management

What is a cookie/tracer?

The term cookie is to be taken in the broad sense and also includes the tracers deposited, subjet to your choices, on your computer when you visit a website. It aims to collect information about your navigation and to send you the services adapted to your computer, smart phone or tablet.

The cookies are managed by your internet browser and only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

[NOM PROJET] utilise des cookies sur ce site. Avec votre consentement, nous les utiliserons pour mesurer et analyser l'utilisation du site (cookies analytiques), pour l'adapter à vos intérêts (cookies de personnalisation) et pour vous présenter des publicités et des informations pertinentes (cookies de ciblage).