Legal notice

Consulting agency, graphic creation, technical development and host

NewQuest Group | 20 avenue des Chevaliers-Tireurs | 73000 CHAMBERY | France


Credits : Hôtel Allodis, Studio Bergoend, JM Gouédard, Shutterstock, Office de tourisme de Méribel, Agence Diadao, Jérome Mondière, Les 3 Vallées / David Andre, Les 3 Vallées / Christian Arna, Les 3 Vallées / Gilles Lansardi

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Especially, but not exclusively, the texts, photographs, the layout, graphical charter, brands, logos and other distinctive signs that appear on this site are protected by intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of the Hotel Allodis.

They can only be exploited with its prior permission.  Any partial or total representation of this site by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of the Hotel Allodis, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following the Code of Intellectual Property.

Despite all the care taken in the realization of this site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information and/or documents presented.  The users of the site will therefore carry out any useful checks.

The Hotel Allodis will in no way be held responsable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from access to this site and/or use of the content of this site.

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